Hi there, This resource was for anyone who was interested in learning Modern Greek, but was primarily used as a repository for classnotes for a first year Modern Greek evening class.
Although this blog site will remain here, it has now been superceeded by a a regular website www.allgreek2me.com which contains all the referance material available on this blog. Additionally all future Year 2 referance notes will only appear on the new website.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


A couple of mistakes that I'd noticed in the site were in the basic word set on the right. I've corrected them now but as this list was used to create the Qedoc quiz they are still wrong in the quiz module. The two words are, Γιατί (why - previously miss-spelt as Πιατί) and Χρήματα (money - previously miss-spelt as Χπήματα). I'll correct these in the Quiz module when I add a new level for the second term. So if you have an old printout of the word list you may want to either correct or reprint. Sorry about that.

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