English | Lower | Upper | English | Lower | Upper |
expensive | ακριβός | ΑΚΡΙΒΟΣ | cheap | φθηνός | ΦΘΗΝΟΣ |
big | μεγάλος | ΜΕΓΑΛΟΣ | small | μικρός | ΜΙΚΡΟΣ |
near* | κοντινός | ΚΟΝΤΙΝΟΣ | far* | μακριβός | ΜΑΚΡΙΒΟΣ |
hot | ζεστός | ΖΕΣΤΟΣ | cold | κρύος | ΚΡΥΟΣ |
clean | καθαρός | ΚΑΘΑΡΟΣ | dirty | βρώμικος | ΒΡΩΜΙΚΟΣ |
heavy | βαρύς | ΒΑΡΥΣ | light | ελαφρός | ΕΛΑΦΡΟΣ |
old (thing) | παλιός | ΠΑΛΙΟΣ | new | καινούργιος | ΚΑΙΝΟΥΡΓΙΟΣ |
old (person) | γέρος | ΓΕΡΟΣ | young | νέος | ΝΕΟΣ |
good | καλός | ΚΑΛΟΣ | bad | κακός | ΚΑΚΟΣ |
better | καλύτερος | ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΟΣ | worse | χειρότερος | ΧΕΙΡΟΤΕΡΟΣ |
quick | γρήγορος | ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ | slow | αργός | ΑΡΓΟΣ |
easy | εύκολος | ΕΥΚΟΛΟΣ | difficult | δύσκολος | ΔΥΣΚΟΛΟΣ |
open | ανοικτός | ΑΝΟΙΚΤΟΣ | κλειστός | shut | SHUT |
right | σοστός | ΣΟΣΤΟΣ | wrong | λάθος | ΛΑΘΟΣ |
* In the table above I have given the adjective forms of the words for near and far just to be consistant, so they are really more accurately translated as "nearby" and "far off". Τhe words we used in class are probably more useful. They were κοντά/ΚΟΝΤΑ (near) and μακρυά/ΜΑΚΡΥΑ (far) and athough look very similar are in fact adverbs rather than adjectives but this is a fairly fine point of grammar which you can probably ignore. Perhaps one of the most common phrases you might use would be:
υπάρχει ενα τράπεζα εδώ κοντά;/ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΕΝΑ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΕΔΩ ΚΟΝΤΑ;
which means "is there a bank near here?" - For those interested in the grammatical bit, near is an adverb in this case as it's refering to how the bank exists (υπάρχει/ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ being the verb "to exist" in Greek) , rather than a characteristic of the bank itself.
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