Hi there, This resource was for anyone who was interested in learning Modern Greek, but was primarily used as a repository for classnotes for a first year Modern Greek evening class.
Although this blog site will remain here, it has now been superceeded by a a regular website www.allgreek2me.com which contains all the referance material available on this blog. Additionally all future Year 2 referance notes will only appear on the new website.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Weather

Talking about the weather is a must for the British so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to do it in Greek. To start with here are various phrases you could use to ask about the weather (ο καιρός/Ο ΚΑΙΡΟΣ):
Τι καιρό κάνει;/ΤΙ ΚΑΙΡΟ ΚΑΝΕΙ;
Τι καιρό έχετε;/ΤΙ ΚΑΙΡΟ ΕΧΕΤΕ;

These literally mean, “what does the weather do?” and “what weather do you have” and are both ways of asking what the weather is like. If you want to ask about what the weather has been like switch the verbs to the past tense to get:
Τι καιρό έκανε;/ΤΙ ΚΑΙΡΟ ΕΚΑΝΕ;
Τι καιρό είχατε;/ΤΙ ΚΑΙΡΟ ΕΙΧΑΤΕ;

Another different way to ask about the weather might be, “How is/was the weather?”, which is:
Πος είναι ο καιρός;/ ΠΟΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ Ο ΚΑΙΡΟΣ; (present tense)
Πος ήτανε ο καιρός;/ΠΟΣ ΗΤΑΝΕ Ο ΚΑΙΡΟΣ; (past tense)

And then perhaps some answers would be:
It's cold (lit."it does cold[ly]")κάνει κρυόΚΑΝΕΙ ΚΡΥΟ
it's hotέχει ζέστηΕΧΕΙ ΖΕΣΤΗ
the weather is goodο καιρος είναι καλοςΟ ΚΑΙΡΟΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΚΑΛΟΣ
it's rainingβρέχειΒΡΕΧΕΙ
it's snowingχιονίζειΧΙΟΝΙΖΕΙ

The last two examples use the verbs for raining and snowing. The associated nouns are η βροχή/Η ΒΡΟΧΗ, “the rain” and το χιονι/ΤΟ ΧΙΟΝΙ “the snow”. The past tense of those verbs would be έβρεχε/ΕΒΡΕΧΕ and χιόνιζε/ΧΙΟΝΙΖΕ so to say “it rained all day” would be:
έβρεχε ολη μέρα/ΕΒΡΕΧΕ ΟΛΗ ΜΕΡΑ
In a previous topic we covered the past tense of the verbs to be and to do, but here is the other verb we are using, "to have", fully conjugated in the past:
I hadείχαΕΙΧΑ
You hadείχεςΕΙΧΕΣ
He/she/it hadείχεΕΙΧΕ
We hadείχαμεΕΙΧΑΜΕ
You hadείχατεΕΙΧΑΤΕ
They hadείχανΕΙΧΑΝ

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