Hi there, This resource was for anyone who was interested in learning Modern Greek, but was primarily used as a repository for classnotes for a first year Modern Greek evening class.
Although this blog site will remain here, it has now been superceeded by a a regular website www.allgreek2me.com which contains all the referance material available on this blog. Additionally all future Year 2 referance notes will only appear on the new website.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Taverna Greek, Part 2 - A menu / Ο Κατάλογος

A Greek menu may have appetisers known as "ΟΡΕΚΤΙΚΑ"
UpperLowerPronunciation & description
ΤΖΑΤΖΙΚΙτζατζίκιtzatziki - a yogurt and cucumber dip
ΧΟΥΜΟΥΣχούμουςhoumous - a pureed chickpea dip
ΤΑΡΑΜΟΣΑΛΑΤΑταραμοσαλάταtaramosalata - a pink fish roe dip
ΜΕΛΙΤΖΑΝΟΣΑΛΑΤΑμελιτζανοσαλάταmelitzanosalata - a dip made from Aubergines
ΧΩΡΙΑΤΙΚΗ ΣΑΛΑΤΑχωριάτικη σαλάταkhoriatiki salata - village salad, refered to as Greek Salad for the tourists
ΨΩΜΙψωμίpsomi - bread
ΠΙΤΤΕΣπίττεςpittes - pita bread
And possibly some hot appetiser dishes:
UpperLowerPronunciation & description
KΑΛΑΜΑΡΑΚΙΑκαλαμαράκιαkalamarakia - squid
ΚΕΦΤΕΔΕΣκεφτέδεςkeftedhes - meatballs
ΝΤΟΛΜΑΔΕΣντολμάδεςdolmadhes - stuffed vine leaves
ΓΙΓΑΝΤΕΣγιγάντεςyiyandes - butter beans in tomato sauce
Followed up by main course known as "ΚΥΡΙΩΣ ΠΙΑΤΟ":
UpperLowerPronunciation & description
ΚΟΤΟΠΟΥΛΟ ΠΙΠΕΡΑΤΟκοτόπουλο πιπεράτοkotopoulo piperato - peppered chicken
ΣΟΥΒΛΑΚΙσουβλάκιsouvlaki - kebab skewer of meat
ΠΑΙΔΑΚΙΑπαΐδάκιαpaidhakia - lamb chops
ΣΤΙΦΑΔΟστιφάδοstifadho - stew in red sauce with shallots
and possibly finishing with dessert or sweets - "ΓΛΥΚΑ":
UpperLowerPronunciation & description
ΜΠΑΚΛΑΒΑΣμπακλαβάςbaklavas - filo pastry with walnuts and syrup
ΚΑΤΑΙΦΙκαταΐφιkataifi - shredded wheat with nuts and syrup

Although the different dishes on the menu are of different genders (ενα τζατζίκι, μια σαλάτα - ΕΝΑ ΤΖΑΤΖΙΚΙ, ΜΙΑ ΣΑΛΑΤΑ) any dish that can be ordered as a portion (μια μερίδα/ΜΙΑ ΜΕΡΙΔΑ), can use the femenine article (μια/MIA). So, for example, although fish (ψάρι/ΨΑΡΙ) is a neuter word, it is still correct to say "μια ψάρι" (ΜΙΑ ΨΑΡΙ) to mean "a fish"

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