Hi there, This resource was for anyone who was interested in learning Modern Greek, but was primarily used as a repository for classnotes for a first year Modern Greek evening class.
Although this blog site will remain here, it has now been superceeded by a a regular website www.allgreek2me.com which contains all the referance material available on this blog. Additionally all future Year 2 referance notes will only appear on the new website.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Greek Year 2 - Decision

George has now got a copy of the syllabus for Greek Year 2 from the college and there will be no written exams or formal assessments so our decision to carry on at the college now stands. To enrol either, send in the forms if you have been sent them (you can also download the same form from http://www.maes.ac.uk/uploads/file/Enrolment%20form%202007-8.pdf ), or you can enrol in person at the Southlands Centre or the Acklam office from 3rd September.

The course is not shown in the prospectus on the MAES website, but for the form the Course number is No 221 and the course title is Greek Level 2 and it should start on Tuesday September 25th and run from 7pm to 9 pm.

See you all then, Dave

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